Bowling in The Women's Hundred 2024 (Ordered by Average)

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EA Burns (Lond)1551622-68.00 007.50 106.66
LCN Smith (North)13568145153-129.66 009.00 107.40
AJ Sutherland (North)1317699104-119.90 1013.10 75.57
FR Davies (Welsh)14066132112-1212.00 0012.72 94.28
AK Stonehouse (Trent)60405242-1013.00 0015.00 86.66
EA Perry (Birm)905210783-2113.37 0011.25 118.88
M Kapp (Oval)15574153114-1113.90 1014.09 98.70
JL Jonassen (Welsh)15456170123-1714.16 0012.83 110.38
KA Levick (Birm)12946154103-2415.40 0012.90 119.37
LR Cheatle (South)1287611172-615.85 0018.28 86.71
AK Gardner (Trent)13957159103-2315.90 0013.90 114.38
EL Arlott (Birm)13548185112-1916.81 0012.27 137.03
S Glenn (Lond)19580221134-2217.00 1015.00 113.33
HK Matthews (Welsh)14358188114-1417.09 1013.00 131.46
S Ismail (Welsh)85438653-2417.20 0017.00 101.17
GK Davis (Welsh)14041180103-3318.00 0014.00 128.57
CR Pavely (Birm)1354516293-2118.00 0015.00 120.00
E Gray (Lond)1355516493-1718.22 0015.00 121.48
HL Graham (Trent)1435116493-1318.22 0015.88 114.68
A Wellington (Oval)15546190103-919.00 0015.50 122.58
PC Graham (Manch)1581911-1919.00 0015.00 126.66
KL Cross (North)1265716084-2020.00 1015.75 126.98
SAE Smale (Oval)1515918192-1720.11 0016.77 119.86
TG Norris (Lond)854710151-620.20 0017.00 118.82
LK Bell (South)1506918794-1120.77 1016.66 124.66
GL Wareham (North)1124112863-1221.33 0018.66 114.28
RL MacDonald-Gay (Oval)1406017582-2021.87 0017.50 125.00
DB Sharma (Lond)1555617783-1822.12 0019.37 114.19
RE Slater (Oval)1055311452-1122.80 0021.00 108.57
MK Villiers (Oval)1325114962-1724.83 0022.00 112.87
KE Bryce (Manch)1284317775-1325.28 0118.28 138.28
BA Langston (Welsh)50207831-826.00 0016.66 156.00
AM King (Trent)1505418373-2326.14 0021.42 122.00
AZ Monaghan (Manch)712810642-726.50 0017.75 149.29
LL Filer (Manch)1457616862-1628.00 0024.16 115.86
NR Sciver-Brunt (Trent)1375517262-1628.66 0022.83 125.54
GL Adams (South)1162814952-2429.80 0023.20 128.44
DR Gibson (Lond)1716324582-1730.62 0021.37 143.27
MR Corteen-Coleman (South)1354118662-1931.00 0022.50 137.77
G Ballinger (North)80399332-1531.00 0026.66 116.25
CE Dean (Lond)1807221973-2031.28 0025.71 121.66
S Ecclestone (Manch)1405717252-1734.40 0028.00 122.85
IECM Wong (Birm)30163511-1535.00 0030.00 116.66
HL Baker (Birm)1103514141-935.25 0027.50 128.18
CL Tryon (South)852911231-1137.33 0028.33 131.76
KJ Garth (Manch)1306116342-1740.75 0032.50 125.38
FMK Morris (Manch)1062416232-2054.00 0035.33 152.83
CR Knott (South)3575411-2654.00 0035.00 154.28
KL Gordon (Trent)1404919431-964.66 0046.66 138.57
SEN Munro (Lond)50189511-3495.00 0050.00 190.00
FG Kemp (South)652111611-22116.00 0065.00 178.46
K Moore (South)5290     180.00
KL George (Trent)103100     100.00
ND Dattani (South)52100     200.00
GEA Potts (Trent)105140     140.00
AR Capsey (Oval)93160     177.77
DL Gregory (Manch)163290     181.25
LF Higham (North)5022560     112.00
GA Elwiss (Welsh)6520850     130.76
SFM Devine (Birm)6527960     147.69