Highest Score in Each Batting Position Against Haryana

199*P Chopra for Himachal PradeshFeroz Shah Kotla, Delhi2017/18tt6684
2103*K Ashwin Hebbar for AndhraAlembic No 2 Ground, Vadodara2021/22tt10243
382 SP Jackson for PuducherryBandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai2020/21tt9276
475 D Hooda for RajasthanAlembic No 2 Ground, Vadodara2021/22tt10335
551*R Dhawan for Himachal PradeshPalam A Ground, Model Sports Complex, Delhi2014/15tt4717
667 RP Chowdhary for BengalSardar Patel Stadium, Motera, Ahmedabad2006/07tt625
779*B Sharma for PunjabPalam A Ground, Model Sports Complex, Delhi2010/11tt1958
837 AV Ankolekar for MumbaiBandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai2020/21tt9299
974 S Sagar for Jammu and KashmirChaudhary Bansi Lal Cricket Stadium, Lahli2012/13tt3495
1022*VR Singh for PunjabFeroz Shah Kotla, Delhi2006/07tt569
117 R Dutta for Jammu and KashmirPalam B Ground, Model Sports Complex, Delhi2010/11tt1977